Are you ready for a new life in Spain?
Everyone dreams of packing up and moving to another country sometimes, but very few people actually go through with it.
Moving abroad was something I had dreamed about for over 20 years, and it was around 5 years ago when we spoke together about moving to Spain and started to take the thought seriously.
There’s always the worry at the back of your mind about whether you are ready to move abroad or not, and you’ll never really know until you give it a go.
So, if you’re longing for a life in another country, below we’ve listed some signs that you might really be ready for a life abroad. So…come and find out if you are ready for a new life in Spain…
You can’t stop thinking about it
The first sign that you’re ready to move abroad is that you can’t stop daydreaming about life in another country. Maybe you keep looking at photos of Spanish cities or searching for Spanish properties on Rightmove. If your mind is on a particular thing 24/7 then sometimes you just have to work out how to make it happen.
If you can’t stop thinking about moving abroad, will you ever be happy if you don’t find out if it’s right for you and your family?
You don’t see yourself in your job forever
If you haven’t yet found that dream job that you want to stay in long-term, then that’s one less thing keeping you tied to your home country. Maybe you have a qualification that you could use in another country, or maybe you could try working online or setting up your own business.
There are so many options and if you don’t love your job it could be a good time to think about other possibilities anyway.
You haven’t found your ‘forever home’
If you have a house which you love then you might not ever want to sell up and leave the country. However, if you can’t afford the kind of house you want then it’s worth looking into the cost of properties in other countries. We found that properties here in Spain were about half the price of similar sized properties where we lived on the South Coast of England.
You don’t want to come back from holidays
I mean, does anyone actually want to come home from a holiday? We’d all probably rather be laying on a beach rather than sat at a desk all day, so coming home from a vacation is never fun. But if you feel really down when you get home and can’t shake the feeling, then it often makes you realise that you’re not living in the place that makes you happy.
You’ve already been researching it
Have you already been looking into house prices and the best areas to live in Spain? If you know how much it would cost you to ship your furniture and which schools are the best, then it’s a sign that you are seriously thinking about more than just a sunny extended holiday and might actually be ready for a new life in Spain. We knew we had to take it seriously when we knew everything about how to become residents in Spain, what the local schools were up to, and what belongings we’d happily get rid of.
You’re longing for a change
Are you ready for a new life in Spain? If you need a change then maybe you are ready! One of the biggest things for us was feeling stuck in a rut. Every day you get up, fight the rush hour traffic, do the school run, work for 8 hours, fight the rush hour traffic again, cook dinner, watch a bit of tv, and go to bed. Before starting all over again the following day. And if you live in the UK then you usually do all of this in the rain!
Who wants to spend their life doing that 5 days a week? We knew there had to be a better alternative and wanted to find it. If this sounds familiar, believe me when I say that’s not the normal way of living in every country!
You want a better life for your kids
When the weather is rubbish for most of the time, kids don’t get to spend as much time outdoors as they should. In sunnier countries a lot more time is spent outdoors in the fresh air with less time spent on screens. If you can achieve a better work life balance for yourself, you’ll have more time to spend with your family.
Moving to another country could make this possible, resulting in a better and healthier life for our kids. Who doesn’t want that?
You’re financially stable
It’s not cheap to move to another country and you’ll need some money in the bank to pay for all the costs associated with moving home, getting the necessary paperwork, and probably paying for translators to help you. If you’re not in debt and you have some savings, then you are one big step closer to the reality of moving abroad.
You’re not running away from something
Often people decide to move away because they are running away from something. It could be a relationship, a job, or just a general mess that you’ve gotten into. Unfortunately running away very rarely solves the problem and will just add to the stress.
If you’re generally happy with life but need a change of scenery then a big move is more likely to be successful.
You are more excited than scared about moving abroad
Obviously moving to another country is always going to be scary, it’s only normal to have some fears about such a big life changing event. But if you’re more excited than scared about it then it sounds like it’s the right time to take the leap.
So, what do you think now? Are you ready for a new life in Spain?
If you’re ready to get the process of moving to Spain started, take a look at our tips and advice on moving to Spain.
As always, if you have any questions about moving to Spain feel free to get in touch.
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