What are Eco-Stickers for driving in Spain and how do you get one?
A new environmental rule (El Distintivo Ambiental DGT in Spanish) is coming into effect for drivers in Spain but it doesn’t seem to have been publicised much until the last minute, so if this is news to you read on…
From 1st January 2023 all Spanish registered vehicles must have an eco-sticker classifying it’s emission rating. Not having a sticker displayed could result in a hefty fine.
Below we have listed everything you need to know about eco-stickers in Spain, including who needs one and how to get one.
What are Eco-Stickers in Spain?
As low emission zones are being implemented in most Spanish towns and cities, a new law has been brought in to classify cars based on how energy efficient they are, and therefore what impact they have on the environment.
This includes the introduction of eco-stickers, also called environmental badges, that must be placed on your car. There are four different categories of eco-stickers, based on how energy efficient your car is.
In some cities this environmental badge is already being used to restrict traffic on days of high pollution, prohibiting the circulation of vehicles that don’t have one.
From 1st January 2023 you could face a fine if you enter a low emission zone without one of these stickers.
What are the four different emissions categories?
The different categories for the stickers are as follows:
- Blue – Distintivo cero emisiones or Zero emissions: The blue sticker identifies the most efficient vehicles, covering cars that are battery electric (BEV), electric vehicles with extended range (REEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) with a range of 40 km, and fuel cell vehicles.
- Green & Blue – Distintivo eco: The Eco sticker will mostly include hybrid vehicles, including those that are plug-in hybrid with a range of less than 40 km, non-plug-in hybrids (HEV), vehicles powered by natural gas, and gas (CNG and LNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
- Green – Distintivo C: The green sticker with a “C” on it is for passenger cars and light petrol vans registered from January 2006, passenger cars and light diesel vans registered from 2001, and vehicles with more than 8 seats and heavy vehicles, both gasoline and diesel, that have been registered from 2014. Petrol vehicles must comply with Euro 4.5 and 6 standard, and diesel vehicles must comply with Euro 6.
- Yellow – Distintivo B: The yellow sticker with a “B” on it is for passenger cars and light petrol vans registered since January 2000, diesel passenger cars and light vans from January 2006, and vehicles with more than 8 seats and heavy vehicles, both petrol and diesel, that have been registered since 2005. Petrol vehicles must comply with Euro 3 standard, and diesel vehicles must comply with Euro 4 and 5.

How do I know if my car meets the requirements for an eco-sticker?
It’s very easy to check if your vehicle qualifies for an eco-sticker and which category it falls under.
Go to the official DGT website, enter your car registration number and click ‘consultar’.
This only applies to Spanish cars. If you are driving your UK car into Spain, for example while on holiday, you do not need a sticker.
Where can I get an eco-sticker in Spain?
The easiest option is to purchase your eco-sticker from your local Correos (post office) or from the Correos website. However at the time of writing this post the stickers were sold out online and we had to visit 5 different post offices to get ours!
How much does an eco-sticker cost?
The fees at the Correos for an environmental badge / eco-sticker is €5.
Where do I have to display the badge?
Once you have your badge it must be stuck to the lower right corner of the front windshield.
We hope this has cleared up any confusion surrounding this new law on Eco-stickers in Spain! If you have any further questions we recommend visiting the DGT website.
Does this apply to just Spanish cars? It doesn’t seem to work on the DGT website when I put in my UK reg number.
Yes it’s only for Spanish cars.
So if ALL CARS being driven in Spain have to have an emissions sticker or face a fine; I assume it’s needed as you get off the ferry at Santander. WHERE DO I GET ONE IN MY UK. RAC and AA don’t have them, Halfords doesn’t. Where do I buy one?
It’s only for Spanish cars.
If I am bringing my own UK registered car to Spain for a holiday do I need the sticker ?
No, only Spanish cars.
So if I am travelling to Spain in my uk car I don’t need a sticker ? I need one for France but from what I can see I don’t need one for Spain as a foreign visitor ??
Correct, only needed for Spanish cars.
st Put our Spanish reg car into the DGT site and it saya a sticker is not available. What happens now??
If I were you I would contact the DGT directly. You can also get one when you next go for your ITV if that is soon.
I am travelling through Spain by car in September but cannot access the website to obtain a sticker for my car. The website for DGT does not offer an English translation.
Can you please confirm (and provide evidence) if it includes UK cars?
It’s only for Spanish cars.
We are planning a motorcycle trip to madrid in 2024. My motorcycle is a 1998 bmw. Di I need an eco sticker. Don’t need a big fine while on holidays.
As mention in the post, if your motorbike is not a Spanish registered vehicle then you do not need a sticker.