10 family friendly hotels on the Costa Blanca

10 family friendly hotels on the Costa Blanca

If you’re planning a holiday to Spain then you’re not alone. Did you know that Spain is the most visited country by Brits, and the second most popular holiday destination in the world? So of course there are plenty of fantastic Costa Blanca family resorts to choose from, just one of the many reasons why…

What are the Three Kings celebrations in Spain?

What are the Three Kings celebrations in Spain?

If you have spent some time in Spain around Christmas time, you can’t have missed mentions of Los Reyes Magos or the Three Kings. It’s a great Spanish tradition that we highly recommend seeing, and for many Spaniards, Los Reyes Magos are a bigger deal than Father Christmas, with even bigger celebrations. But what is…

What are Eco-Stickers for driving in Spain and how do you get one?

What are Eco-Stickers for driving in Spain and how do you get one?

A new environmental rule (El Distintivo Ambiental DGT in Spanish) is coming into effect for drivers in Spain but it doesn’t seem to have been publicised much until the last minute, so if this is news to you read on… From 1st January 2023 all Spanish registered vehicles must have an eco-sticker classifying it’s emission…

8 of the main differences between the UK and Spain at Christmas

8 of the main differences between the UK and Spain at Christmas

This year will be our fourth Christmas in Spain and we have definitely noticed some differences in how the holiday is celebrated. It’s been really interesting to see the different things that other nationalities do during the festive season, and we now have a mixture of Christmas traditions from both the UK and Spain. Whether…

How to make Christmas in Spain feel more like home

How to make Christmas in Spain feel more like home

There are definitely some big differences between Christmas in the UK and Spain, and when the sun is shining and you’re missing your usual traditions it can sometimes not feel evey Christmassy. So if you’re a Brit spending Christmas in Spain, and are missing some of your favourite Christmas home comforts, here’s some tips on…